Inhalation devices

Inhalation devices

At present, increasing compe­ti­tion on the service market, new expec­ta­tions of our clients and the epidemi­o­log­ical situ­a­tion are forcing beauty salons, well­ness centres, hotels, existing salt caves and all places special­ising in relax­ation and improving...
Salt wall

Salt wall

Salt walls construc­tion — made of salt bricks have become a popular and luxu­rious element of modern SPA / well­ness facil­i­ties in hotels, as well as in private homes and resi­dences. Salt walls are part of a salt cave, a salt inhala­tion room or a Finnish salt...
Salt Interior Décor

Salt Interior Décor

Salt Inte­rior Décor is an inter­esting element of deco­ra­tion of various inte­riors in any SPA. We install Salt Inte­rior Décors, e.g. in relax­ation rooms, and build salt massage cabi­nets, where the walls of a small room are tiled with lit up salt bricks. In a...
Salt inhalation room

Salt inhalation room

Thanks to the natural prop­er­ties of salt, we have created an unusual micro­cli­mate char­ac­ter­istic of the sea coast. The pres­ence of a salt aerosol produced by a salt gener­ator deter­mines the ther­a­peutic effect of our inhala­tion room. We obtained a...
Salt sauna

Salt sauna

Sauna solna Solana to nowy ciekawy element stref SPA i Well­ness. Powsta­jąca dzięki soli ujemna jonizacja powi­etrza w saunie solnej zrelak­suje i da poczucie świeżości. Delikatne oświ­etlenie, ciepła kolorystyka i odpowiednia muzyka pozwolą doskonale...
Traditional Salt Caves

Traditional Salt Caves

Tradi­tional Salt Caves, looking like natural rock caves, are built primarily from natural chunks of Himalayan Salt. The floor is covered with 5 mm grain natural rock salt. The thick­ness of the rock salt layer ranges from 6 to 8 cm. The ceiling is made of...