At present, increasing competition on the service market, new expectations of our clients and the epidemiological situation are forcing beauty salons, wellness centres, hotels, existing salt caves and all places specialising in relaxation and improving...
Salt Interior Décor is an interesting element of decoration of various interiors in any SPA. We install Salt Interior Décors, e.g. in relaxation rooms, and build salt massage cabinets, where the walls of a small room are tiled with lit up salt bricks. In a...
Thanks to the natural properties of salt, we have created an unusual microclimate characteristic of the sea coast. The presence of a salt aerosol produced by a salt generator determines the therapeutic effect of our inhalation room. We obtained a...
Sauna solna Solana to nowy ciekawy element stref SPA i Wellness. Powstająca dzięki soli ujemna jonizacja powietrza w saunie solnej zrelaksuje i da poczucie świeżości. Delikatne oświetlenie, ciepła kolorystyka i odpowiednia muzyka pozwolą doskonale...
Traditional Salt Caves, looking like natural rock caves, are built primarily from natural chunks of Himalayan Salt. The floor is covered with 5 mm grain natural rock salt. The thickness of the rock salt layer ranges from 6 to 8 cm. The ceiling is made of...
Solana Modern Salt Caves are built from polished salt bricks, tiles or blocks. The forms used in the construction process include salt columns, ceiling brick backlight, salt benches, salt beds in various shapes. The natural colours of the bricks are highlighted...