Salt graduation tower

Salt works were orig­i­nally used to produce table salt. Today, they have changed their purpose and we take advan­tage of their bene­fi­cial effects by placing them in hotels, parks and relax­ation areas.

No longer the exclu­sive domain of spa towns, and often their symbol, the grad­u­a­tion tower is grad­u­ally becoming a stan­dard feature of spa and well­ness areas, just like saunas and swim­ming pools. The char­ac­ter­istic micro­cli­mate found near grad­u­a­tion towers and the air satu­rated with mineral compounds have a posi­tive effect on general well-being and health. A salt grad­u­a­tion tower will certainly comple­ment, enrich and give a more healing and welcoming char­acter to your facil­i­ties. We invite you to famil­iarise your­self with our offer for the construc­tion of a salt grad­u­a­tion tower and to contact us.

Our company, Solana, can boast a large number of success­fully completed projects and almost twenty years of expe­ri­ence in working with salt and its use for health and relax­ation. We thank you for this. Salt grad­u­a­tion tower

A salt or brine grad­u­a­tion tower, next to a salt cave, inhala­tion room or salt sauna, are elements that strengthen our compe­tences and allow us to better serve and develop your busi­ness in harmony with nature and the expec­ta­tions of increas­ingly demanding and aware guests.

We thank you for your trust and invite you to famil­iarise your­self with our offer for the construc­tion of a salt cave and to contact us. Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about salt grad­u­a­tion tower (brine grad­u­a­tion tower)

For a detailed quote, imple­men­ta­tion stages and tech­nical require­ments, please contact us by email or tele­phone. Tel. 512360370 or 512360350

Salt graduation towers

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