Modern Salt Caves

Salt cave construction

A modern salt cave is an idea of combining contem­po­rary forms of archi­tec­ture and “design” with salt mate­rial, such as polished bricks with flat and straight surfaces, tiles or larger symmet­rical salt blocks. By using different construc­tion solu­tions and combining archi­tec­tural shapes, we try to create inter­esting and surprising spaces for our clients and guests.

Salt columns, illu­mi­nated ceil­ings, arcades or floors made entirely of bricks and illu­mi­nated will surprise you and create a unique atmosphere.

We empha­sise the colour and texture of the natural salt bricks by using modern and energy-saving lighting systems. This creates amazing visual effects that reveal the internal struc­ture of the salt. Salt cave construction

The floor can be made of salt bricks, some­times fully lit, or simply natural rock salt with a grain size of around 5mm. The starry ceiling lighting can some­times resemble the Milky Way or the planet Saturn with its rings, or simply a starry sky.

A neces­sary comple­ment to the salt cave equip­ment is the brine grad­u­a­tion towers. They can take the form of water­falls, columns, cascades or streams. We invite you to browse our gallery of salt grad­u­a­tion towers and choose an arrange­ment that suits your space. Salt cave construction

The health bene­fits of a salt cave are as follows: The health bene­fits of a salt cave are

- Highly nega­tively ionised air — nega­tive ioni­sa­tion has a posi­tive effect on our well­being, concen­tra­tion and helps us to fall asleep.

- Salt aerosol floating in the air (produced by brine grad­u­a­tion towers and/or medical devices — salt gener­a­tors) Salt cave construction

The use of a salt gener­ator increases the amount of salt aerosol in the form of salt mist, which also has a bene­fi­cial effect on the lower respi­ra­tory tract and skin (the size of the aerosol particle is 1–5 microns).

Please visit the GALLERY to view the options we have avail­able. Contact us to discuss your needs and space requirements.

Salt Caves

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