Solana — leader in salt constructions

21 years of experience and over 500 completed projects around the world

SOLANA is a well-known and recog­niz­able brand in many Euro­pean coun­tries. We advise, design and build.

Salt caves, saunas, swim­ming pools and other Well­ness elements & SPA — in these areas we want to raise the stan­dards and quality of services offered on the market.

Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Nether­lands, the United States and Canada — here SOLANA builds and main­tains a high posi­tion among the industry leaders. Over 500 designed and built facil­i­ties are an expe­ri­ence that allows us to serve you even better. We invite you to coop­erate and thank you for your trust so far.

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Salt Interior Décor

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Hotel Grand Lubicz 5* SPA

Solana carried out the whole project on time and without any prob­lems, and the end result is a wonderful one.

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Solana met our high stan­dards and together we succeeded in combining form with func­tion­ality.

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Hotel Verde Montana POLAND

In the consul­tancy and design phase, the company performed exem­plarily.

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Ticketed caves

Solana Salt Caves where you can come and feel the bene­fi­cial effects of salt on your own skin.

Wrocław Salt Centre


Izera Salt Centre


Kudowa-Zdroj Salt Cave


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    Salt lamps, salt products

    Salt Cave as a business idea.

    What is a salt cave?

    The salt cave is a room built of salt in such a way as to recreate a specific micro­cli­mate full of minerals, similar to that in salt mines. This is achieved by proper design, main­taining appro­priate humidity, temper­a­ture and air circu­la­tion, as well as by using addi­tional equip­ment in the form of salt aerosol gener­a­tors. See also our videos about the salt cave.

    What does a stay in a salt cave give you?

    Staying in a salt cave gives a number of health bene­fits and is an increas­ingly popular method of increasing immu­nity, supporting the treat­ment of some diseases related to the respi­ra­tory system, as well as a form of relax­ation, tran­quility, or spending time with the family. Salt caves are partic­u­larly popular in urban agglom­er­a­tions, where the air is some­times polluted and resi­dents do not always have the oppor­tu­nity to go out of town. There­fore, a salt cave as a busi­ness idea may turn out to be a very good investment.

    How to build a salt cave?

    With the currently quite large avail­ability of salt-building mate­rials, it may seem tempting to try to build a salt cave on your own. However, it should be remem­bered that salt, due to its phys­ical and chem­ical prop­er­ties, is quite a specific mate­rial and requires special treat­ment. In addi­tion, the salt cave is not only walls lined with salt but also lighting systems for salt blocks and bricks, venti­la­tion systems, and brine grad­u­a­tion towers. It is there­fore worth commis­sioning the design and construc­tion to an expe­ri­enced contractor who will not only carry out the order with the utmost care but also provide a guar­antee and provide subse­quent service. In addi­tion, if the salt cave is to be our busi­ness idea, he will also provide the neces­sary advice, both as to which cave to choose and how to run the future facility.

    Salt cave — types of salt caves.
    The main types of salt caves that we can distin­guish are tradi­tional and modern salt caves and white sea salt caves. Tradi­tional salt caves are mostly built of unpol­ished blocks so that they resemble natural caves. In the construc­tion of modern caves, more polished bricks are used, e.g. quite smooth walls or pillars are built. However, nothing limits us except fantasy and imag­i­na­tion, so we can freely mix both styles. When it comes to the type of salt, the most popular are bricks or lumps of pink Himalayan salt, although white bricks have recently gained a lot of interest. They all go well with wooden or stone struc­tures, which can often be found in caves. salt room

    More possi­bil­i­ties.

    A salt cave as a busi­ness idea can be an inter­esting exten­sion of the treat­ment offered in already existing Well­ness and SPA centers, all kinds of health resorts, water parks, and relax­ation zones. Increas­ingly, salt caves are also built in small, inti­mate guest­houses or hotels. They then consti­tute an inter­esting exten­sion of the offer, give guests the oppor­tu­nity to spend time alter­na­tively, and at the same time slightly improve their health.

    Salt aerosol generator.

    Salt gener­ator — what is it?
    A salt aerosol gener­ator, salt gener­ator, or halo­gen­er­ator is a device that produces a salt aerosol, which is an impor­tant element of the equip­ment of salt caves and inhala­tion rooms. The salt gener­ator proposed by our company is a device of the highest quality, which was the only one to receive a medical certifi­cate. This certifi­cate guar­an­tees the highest effi­ciency, safety of use, and safety for the service provider in public facil­i­ties. salt Cave

    How it’s working?

    The salt gener­ator is an auto­matic device that produces a salt aerosol, also called a salt mist. A salt solu­tion of appro­priate concen­tra­tion is converted into an aerosol with parti­cles of 1 to 5 microns. This is extremely impor­tant because only parti­cles of this size are able to reach deep into our respi­ra­tory system, up to the bronchi and bron­chi­oles. Parti­cles from 5 to 8 microns will reach the trachea and large bronchi, while parti­cles above 8 microns will only reach the pharynx, larynx, and nasopharynx. In addi­tion, in the salt caves and inhala­tion rooms currently under construc­tion, which are not equipped with a halo­gen­er­ator, it is possible to achieve a salt concen­tra­tion of 0.45 mg NaCl/m3 of air, which is not a very good result compared to the concen­tra­tion obtained in the vicinity of the grad­u­a­tion tower, which is over 8 mg NaCl/m3. In the salt mine in Wieliczka this concen­tra­tion is around 22 mg NaCl/m3. As it is easy to see, the use of a salt gener­ator seems to be neces­sary to achieve the optimal salt concen­tra­tion in the room, and thus ensure the best ther­a­peutic effects of the treat­ment, which is a visit to a salt cave or inhala­tion room.

    Instal­la­tion and operation.

    The salt aerosol gener­ator is used in salt caves and inhala­tion rooms. It is usually mounted indoors

    Salt cave — indi­ca­tions and contraindi­ca­tions.
    What is a salt cave?
    A salt cave is a room made of salt in the form of lumps or bricks. Often, these solids or bricks are illu­mi­nated in various colors. This allows you to get unique and extremely charming visual effects. The salt cave is designed and built in such a way that the micro­cli­mate in it is as close as possible to that in salt mines. This is due to a number of factors. These include the basic building mate­rial, i.e. salt, as well as addi­tional equip­ment in the form of a grad­u­a­tion tower and the highest quality brine aerosol gener­a­tors. Proper venti­la­tion and main­taining a certain temper­a­ture are also impor­tant. Air humidity inside the salt cave is also important.


    How does the salt cave work?
    The micro­cli­mate in the salt cave is similar to that in salt mines. This means that the air filling the cave is satu­rated with salt and minerals natu­rally contained in it. Staying in such an envi­ron­ment gives us invalu­able bene­fits, at the same time without nega­tive inter­fer­ence in the body. There are also a number of health indi­ca­tions for using the salt cave because it has been proven that salt has a healing and supportive effect in the treat­ment of many different diseases and ailments.


    Indi­ca­tions for using the salt cave:
    - Hypothy­roidism — the mineral-rich envi­ron­ment in the salt cave, apart from a number of others, also contains natural iodine, the supple­men­ta­tion of which is impor­tant in hypothyroidism.

    - Chronic, recur­rent respi­ra­tory tract infec­tions — salt-satu­rated air that we inhale during a stay in the salt cave disin­fects and cleanses the respi­ra­tory tract, which helps in the fight against trou­ble­some symptoms.

    -Asthma- the use of the salt cave is a good comple­ment to the phar­ma­co­log­ical treat­ment of this disease.


    -Fatigue, stress, neurosis, and high blood pres­sure — staying in the salt cave is also relaxing and relaxing, and it helps to calm down and calm down.

    - Psori­asis — salt has a disin­fecting effect, helps to soothe inflam­ma­tion, and improves skin condition.


    Contraindi­ca­tions to using the salt cave:
    Despite the many advan­tages and bene­fits of using a salt cave, there are also contraindi­ca­tions that should be taken into account. Belong to them:

    - hyper­thy­roidism,

    -allergy to iodine,

    - acute inflammation,

    -high fever,

    - viral infections,




    -open wounds, burns, frostbite.

    It is worth consid­ering all the indi­ca­tions and contraindi­ca­tions for using the salt cave, so as to take full advan­tage of its bene­fi­cial effects, but also not to harm your­self. In case of any doubts as to whether our current state of health allows for such a visit, let us consult the planned stay with a doctor. Let us also remember that the treat­ment in the salt cave-salt room is not a cure, but a treat­ment support, as well as preven­tion, which will not replace proper therapy ordered by a doctor.

    Salt inhalation room — salt cave.

    What is a salt inhalation room and how is it different from a salt cave?

    The salt inhala­tion room is a room built of salt, similar to the salt cave, with the differ­ence that the inhala­tion room is a much smaller room. Its area is usually 10–15 m². The floor in the inhala­tion room can be paved with salt bricks or sprin­kled with coarse-grained rock salt. Option­ally, brine grad­u­a­tion towers can also be installed. An inte­gral part of the salt inhala­tion room is the highest quality salt mist gener­ator, which fills the room with this mist in order to obtain its expected concentration.


    How does the inhalation room work?

    The salt inhala­tion room is designed in such a way as to recreate the micro­cli­mate char­ac­ter­istic of the sea coast during a storm. This is achieved thanks to the pres­ence of a salt aerosol produced by a medical gener­ator. The parti­cles of this aerosol have a size of 1 to 5 microm­e­ters, they are concen­trated in the amount of 3–5 mg of parti­cles per 1 cubic meter. Studies show that such disper­sion is the most optimal to achieve the best health effects. In addi­tion, salt, which is the basic building mate­rial, ionizes the air with nega­tive ions and also contributes to main­taining proper humidity and a low content of microor­gan­isms inside. The combi­na­tion of all these factors makes the stay in the salt inhala­tion room not only a valu­able health treat­ment but also a pleasant time.


    Stay in an inhalation room.

    A stay in a salt inhala­tion room is similar to a stay in a salt cave, but it is a bit shorter. Due to the greater concen­tra­tion of the salt aerosol, it is enough to spend about 20–30 minutes there for the optimal effect. As in the case of the salt cave, during the session, you lie on deckchairs, and blan­kets are often offered to cover you for the highest comfort. While in the inhala­tion room, we inhale a suit­ably concen­trated salt mist, which thanks to the appro­priate particle size reaches deep into the respi­ra­tory system, cleanses it, disin­fects it, strengthens it, and satu­rates it with precious minerals.


    Health benefits, indications and contraindications.

    Indi­ca­tions for using the salt inhala­tion room are similar to those for the salt cave. These include asthma, some aller­gies, hypothy­roidism, recur­rent catarrh of the lower and upper respi­ra­tory tract, skin prob­lems, psori­asis, reduced immu­nity, and some diseases of the diges­tive system. salt Cave

    It should be remem­bered that treat­ments in the salt inhala­tion room are not a form of treat­ment, but only support and preven­tion. They will not replace proper therapy ordered by a doctor. We also do not treat them as a form of treat­ment for already devel­oped infec­tions, because it may lead to the inten­si­fi­ca­tion of some symp­toms, as well as irri­ta­tion. There are also some contraindi­ca­tions, including hyper­thy­roidism, high fever, viral and bacte­rial infec­tions, iodine allergy, tuber­cu­losis, cancer, emphy­sema, and claus­tro­phobia. In case of any doubts about your health, you can consult a visit to the salt inhala­tion room with your doctor.

    Salt Cave.

    A bit of history.

    Many people prob­ably wonder where the idea for building salt caves came from, what gives us stay in them and does it really work. Well, in the 19th century, Feliks Boczkowski, a doctor of medi­cine and surgery, who was then a sani­tary doctor in the Wieliczka Salt Mine, discov­ered that the miners working in that mine enjoyed excep­tional health and respi­ra­tory effi­ciency. Based on many years of research, he came to the conclu­sion that it is the specific micro­cli­mate prevailing in the adits, satu­rated with minerals released from salt deposits, and the high-value salt itself that has such a bene­fi­cial effect on health. Dr. Boczkowski initi­ated the treat­ment with brine baths and published the results of his research in a scien­tific disser­ta­tion on the treat­ment with the use of brines. Currently, treat­ment with the use of salt, i.e. halotherapy, is an increas­ingly popular method for multi­di­rec­tional improve­ment of health and supporting the treat­ment of many different diseases.

    What does a salt cave look like?

    A prop­erly built salt cave should resemble the micro­cli­mate of salt mines as much as possible. It consists of a number of factors, such as salt, from which the cave is built, but also the right temper­a­ture and air humidity. Air humid­i­fi­ca­tion, enrich­ment with valu­able minerals, and deco­ra­tive value are provided by brine grad­u­a­tion towers located inside the grotto. They can come in various forms, made of twigs or stone. A huge plus is if the salt cave has addi­tional equip­ment in the form of a salt mist gener­ator and an air ionizer. Then we are assured of the highest quality and notice­able health effects.

    How to build a salt cave?

    For someone with some knowl­edge of building and design, building a salt cave on your own can seem like a fairly simple task. Espe­cially since salt building mate­rials such as salt bricks of various shapes and colors or salt lumps are easily avail­able, our company offers a wide selec­tion. However, keep in mind that salt is a specific mate­rial and requires a slightly different approach. In addi­tion, the salt cave is not only walls lined with salt bricks. These are also lighting, venti­la­tion, and heating systems. Grad­u­a­tion towers and addi­tional equip­ment, such as salt mist gener­a­tors. It is there­fore worth entrusting the design and construc­tion to an expe­ri­enced contractor who will advise, design and manu­fac­ture the main­sail with the highest accu­racy and guar­antee, and also propose a service for the future, if necessary.

    Types of salt caves.

    When it comes to types of salt caves, there are two main ones: tradi­tional and modern, and their various combi­na­tions. With the currently really high avail­ability and multi­tude of salt building mate­rials, it can be safely said that there are as many types as there are design ideas. In addi­tion, salt goes well with wooden and stone elements, which further expands the possi­bil­i­ties. Nothing limits us except imag­i­na­tion and possible tech­nical conditions.

    How does the salt cave work?

    What does a stay in a salt cave look like?

    A salt cave is a room built of salt lumps or bricks, where coarse salt is often sprin­kled on the floor. It is designed and constructed in such a way as to recreate the specific micro­cli­mate in salt mines as faith­fully as possible. This is achieved by ensuring the proper temper­a­ture and air humidity in the cave, as well as addi­tional equip­ment, which is the highest quality salt mist gener­a­tors. They produce a salt aerosol that is let inside the cave, which signif­i­cantly enriches the envi­ron­ment there.

    A single stay in the salt cave usually lasts 45–50 minutes. Most often, you lie on deckchairs, inhaling the air full of minerals. The light is moody, and subdued, and we can usually listen to soft relaxing music.

    What does staying in a salt cave give us?

    Natural minerals that are released from the salt blocks forming the salt cave and those contained in the salt mist create a specific micro­cli­mate, extremely bene­fi­cial for our health. Such a gentle inhala­tion satu­rates the body with minerals, cleanses and disin­fects the respi­ra­tory system, and strengthens it, thus increasing the body’s immu­nity. Using the salt cave also has a posi­tive effect on the skin, espe­cially with various prob­lems, such as atopic dermatitis, psori­asis, or skin aller­gies. In addi­tion, a stay in a salt cave is an extremely relaxing and relaxing expe­ri­ence. Deli­cate light diffused inside, relaxing music, and the murmur of water in the brine grad­u­a­tion towers help to calm down, soothe the nerves, and lower blood pressure.

    Who can use the salt cave and what are the indications?

    The salt cave can be used by anyone, without age restric­tions, with the excep­tion of certain contraindi­ca­tions, which can be read further in the text. The oper­a­tion of the salt cave is based mainly on the effect on the respi­ra­tory system, which is why staying in the salt cave is a valu­able supple­ment to the treat­ment of diseases asso­ci­ated with it. However, it should be remem­bered that we do not treat such treat­ments as a cure, but rather as preven­tion and support for other therapies.

    Indi­ca­tions for using the salt cave are:


    - recur­rent inflam­ma­tion of the respi­ra­tory tract,


    - derma­to­log­ical diseases,


    - neuroses,

    - chronic stress,

    - some diseases of the diges­tive system,

    - lowered immunity.

    Who should not use the salt cave?

    A stay in a salt cave is a pleasant way to spend time, which brings a number of health bene­fits. We must remember that it is not a medi­cine and will not replace the proper therapy recom­mended by a doctor in the case of specific diseases, but it can comple­ment it. It is impor­tant not to visit the salt cave when we are already sick, during viral respi­ra­tory infec­tions, if only because some trou­ble­some symp­toms may inten­sify during and after such a visit. In addi­tion, the grotto is usually used by more people at a time, so we should not expose other users to unpleasant expe­ri­ences and possible infec­tions. Other contraindi­ca­tions are:

    -high fever,

    - hyper­thy­roidism,

    - allergic to iodine,

    - lung diseases,



    - viral infections,

    - open wounds, skin damage, frostbite,


    How to use the salt cave?

    What is a salt cave?

    A salt cave is a room built of bricks or blocks of natural salt. It is designed in such a way that the micro­cli­mate inside it is rich in minerals released from salt and resem­bles as much as possible the one prevailing in the salt mine in Wieliczka. This is achieved by providing a number of neces­sary factors in the cave, such as the right temper­a­ture, air humidity, and proper circu­la­tion. This micro­cli­mate is enriched by the pres­ence of brine grad­u­a­tion towers in the cave and appro­priate, top-quality addi­tional equip­ment, such as salt mist gener­a­tors and air ionizers.

    What gives us using the salt cave?

    Using the salt cave is primarily the preven­tion of diseases and ailments related to the respi­ra­tory system. Improving its func­tioning brings many bene­fits, which trans­lates into a general increase in the body’s immu­nity. Regular visits to the salt cave are also recom­mended for people with hypothy­roidism, derma­to­log­ical diseases, aller­gies, and hyper­ten­sion. In addi­tion, using the salt cave is also a great way to relax, unwind and calm down, which is why it is recom­mended for people exposed to stress, nervous or over­tired. It is also a good idea to spend time together, because you can visit the grotto with the whole family, improving your health a bit at the same time.

    What does a stay in a salt cave look like?

    Depending on the point, the stay in the salt cave lasts about 45 minutes. Most often, you lie on deckchairs, the lights are dimmed, and gentle, relaxing music plays in the back­ground. In a state of calm­ness and relax­ation, grotto users breathe air satu­rated with salt and minerals, and after the session they leave rested, relaxed and happy. If we visit the salt cave with chil­dren, most of the caves have toys for the youngest or a play corner, so that this time is also pleas­antly spent by them.

    How often can you use the salt cave?

    For ther­a­peutic purposes, it is worth using regu­larly, opti­mally 2–3 times a week, so as to receive at least 10 treat­ments. Prophy­lac­ti­cally and for relax­ation purposes, a little less, 1–2 times a week or when­ever we feel like it, but not too often, because although there is no possi­bility of over­dosing, it is possible to irri­tate the respi­ra­tory tract with too much frequency. Let us also remember that treat­ments in the salt cave are not a cure, but supportive treat­ment and preven­tion. There­fore, let us not come to the cave during an ongoing infec­tion, with a high fever. It is better to wait until your health improves so that you can safely and comfort­ably and fully benefit from the bene­fi­cial treatment.

    How to prepare for the screening?

    Basi­cally, a visit to a salt cave does not require any special prepa­ra­tion. Depending on the rules prevailing in a given facility, clothing is rather free, prefer­ably casual, most often a change of socks or flip-flops is required. Some venues only require white socks, others don’t specify a color. It also happens that some facil­i­ties offer special protec­tors worn over shoes. This is espe­cially true for older people who may have trouble taking off their shoes. Before using the salt cave, it is worth getting infor­ma­tion about the rules in a given place and whether reser­va­tions are required.

    Graduation towers.

    Where did brine graduation towers come from?

    The oldest mentions of brine grad­u­a­tion towers date back to the 14th century. The first struc­tures of this type were built in northern Italy, later they spread throughout most of Europe. Initially, brine grad­u­a­tion towers were used to obtain table salt by evap­o­rating the brine flowing down the twigs, but when it was real­ized that staying in their vicinity brought a number of health bene­fits, they began to build them for ther­a­peutic purposes. In Poland, the first brine grad­u­a­tion towers were built in the 17th century in Kołobrzeg.

    How does the brine graduation tower work?

    A grad­u­a­tion tower is a struc­ture made of wood and black­thorn twigs, conif­erous trees or birch. Some­times stone is also used, such as slate or various combi­na­tions of all these mate­rials. In the grad­u­a­tion tower, brine, rich in minerals, circu­lates in a closed circuit, which, flowing down the branches, breaks up on them into smaller and smaller droplets, floating in the air in the vicinity of the grad­u­a­tion tower. The treat­ment consists in staying near the grad­u­a­tion towers and inhaling brine-satu­rated air. If the grad­u­a­tion tower is placed in a closed room, e.g. in a salt cave, it fills it with minerals and moistens the inte­rior, creating a unique micro­cli­mate that is extremely bene­fi­cial for health.


    Currently, brine grad­u­a­tion towers are not only used in health resorts, of which they are often a symbol. They are often really spec­tac­ular build­ings with an inter­esting struc­ture. It can be safely said that they are expe­ri­encing a kind of renais­sance, more and more will­ingly installed as equip­ment for Well­ness and Spa zones and, of course, an indis­pens­able element of salt cave equip­ment. A profes­sion­ally made salt grad­u­a­tion tower will not only be an element enriching the treat­ment value of the salt cave or the Spa zone. Thanks to the use of various mate­rials for its construc­tion and a bit of fantasy, it can also be a beau­tiful decoration.

    Who can use the graduation tower?

    Indi­ca­tions and contraindi­ca­tions for using the brine grad­u­a­tion tower are almost iden­tical to those for using the salt cave. There are also no age restric­tions. Staying in the vicinity of grad­u­a­tion towers has a soothing effect on the respi­ra­tory system, satu­rates the body with minerals such as iodine, bromine, magne­sium, calcium, potas­sium or iron, thus increasing its immu­nity. It is recom­mended to everyone, with the excep­tion of certain contraindi­ca­tions, for prophy­lactic purposes and as an aid in the treat­ment of aller­gies, recur­rent catarrh of the respi­ra­tory tract, sinus prob­lems, and hypothy­roidism. When it comes to contraindi­ca­tions, as in the case of salt caves, they include:

    - severe inflam­ma­tion of the respi­ra­tory tract,


    - hyper­thy­roidism,

    - allergic to iodine,

    - allergic to other minerals contained in the brine,

    - lung diseases,



    - viral infections,

    -skin damage, open wounds, frostbite,

    - circu­la­tory and respi­ra­tory failure

    Salt sauna.

    General Information.

    Salt sauna is a rela­tively new idea to use salt and its healing prop­er­ties. It is also an inter­esting oppor­tu­nity to develop and expand the offer of SPA and Well­ness zones. Thanks to the use of salt elements in the sauna, we will not only create a unique inte­rior, conducive to relax­ation, but also enhance the health effect of the sauna. The salt present in the salt sauna will make the air inside it nega­tively ionized and enriched with minerals.

    How does the salt sauna work on the body?

    The oper­a­tion of the salt sauna is some­what similar to the oper­a­tion of the salt cave. Nega­tively ionized air, full of natural minerals, strengthens and cleanses the respi­ra­tory tract, soothes irri­ta­tions, strengthens the mucous membranes in the respi­ra­tory system, which greatly contributes to the overall improve­ment of the body’s immu­nity. Minerals that, among others, occur in the salt sauna are:

    - calcium — strengthens the mucous membranes, increases immu­nity, soothes irri­ta­tions, regu­lates the func­tions of the circu­la­tory system,

    - iodine — supports the proper func­tioning of the thyroid gland,
    - magne­sium — affects the circu­la­tory and nervous systems, supports regen­er­a­tion after exer­cise,
    - potas­sium, sodium — has a posi­tive effect on the work of the heart, improves blood supply to the skin and organs,
    - iron — improves blood struc­ture, is a compo­nent of hemo­globin,
    - sele­nium — has a posi­tive effect on the condi­tion of the skin.

    In addi­tion, staying in the salt sauna is an excel­lent form of rest and relax­ation. Deli­cate lighting inside, often romantic music, create an unusual atmos­phere in which we can spend a nice time, soothe the nerves, reduce muscle tension.

    How to use the salt sauna?

    With a normal, balanced lifestyle, it is optimal to use the salt sauna 2–3 times a week. Higher frequency is recom­mended for athletes or people who train inten­sively or are exposed to prolonged effort. Then, using the salt sauna signif­i­cantly accel­er­ates the regen­er­a­tion of the strained body, and also improves respi­ra­tory effi­ciency, which is of partic­ular impor­tance, for example, for runners.

    To get the best results, the use of the salt sauna should be as follows: we go inside for 10–15 minutes, then go out and take a cool shower, dry ourselves and come back inside. We repeat this action three times.

    Indications and contraindications.

    We use the salt sauna preven­tively; in order to increase the body’s immu­nity, in periods of increased inci­dence of respi­ra­tory infec­tions, as well as for relax­ation and regen­er­a­tion purposes. In turn, when it comes to diseases, using the salt sauna can be a valu­able supple­ment to the treat­ment of diseases related to the respi­ra­tory system, asthma, aller­gies, as well as hypothy­roidism and derma­to­log­ical diseases. Also recom­mended for people exposed to stress, phys­ical exer­tion, inten­sively training athletes and for anyone who wants to take care of their health.

    Contraindi­ca­tions include: hyper­thy­roidism, high fever, ongoing infec­tions, preg­nancy, menstru­a­tion, claus­tro­phobia, heart disease, cancer, open wounds, burns, frostbite.

    Finnish sauna.

    What does a Finnish sauna look like?

    The Finnish sauna, as it is easy to deduce from the name, has its roots in Finland, where, as an element of the local tradi­tion, it is still the equip­ment of many house­holds. It is a room built of wood or lined with wood. Most often it is cedar wood or Cana­dian fir. Inside, there are benches, usually stepped, also made of wood. The air in the Finnish sauna is dry, it has about 15% humidity, which is why this type of sauna is often called a dry sauna. The temper­a­ture inside ranges from 80 to 120 degrees.

    How do we use this type of sauna?

    The stay in the Finnish sauna should last about 8 to 12 minutes. Dress is an impor­tant aspect. We avoid bathing suits and wrap­ping ourselves in a towel too much. It is best to stay naked in the sauna, then the body heats up in the most appro­priate way. We sit or lie down on benches, and avoid walking. After the appro­priate time, we go out and cool down the body in the shower, in the cool air, or in the snow or water tank, depending on the avail­able condi­tions. We dry ourselves and repeat the cycle up to 2 or 3 times.

    What are the health benefits of a Finnish sauna?

    Using this sauna brings a number of health bene­fits. The increase in body temper­a­ture caused by staying in the sauna accel­er­ates blood circu­la­tion, improves blood supply to internal organs, accel­er­ates metab­o­lism, and helps to remove toxins. Alter­nating heating and cooling of the body hardens it and acti­vates defense mech­a­nisms in the body, which trans­lates into increased immunity.


    Treat­ments in the Finnish sauna will bring relief to people suffering from rheumatic pains, muscle pain, asthma, periph­eral circu­la­tion disor­ders, anemia, blood pres­sure drops, and skin prob­lems, espe­cially a tendency to eczema. In addi­tion, using this sauna improves diges­tion and speeds up metab­o­lism, which will be appre­ci­ated by people who want to lose some weight or simply care about its proper main­te­nance. A stay in a Finnish sauna is also an effec­tive form of relax­ation and relax­ation, the heat improves mood, relieves mental tension, reduces fatigue. There­fore, it is recom­mended to use it for people suffering from depres­sion and those exposed to long-term stress, neurotic.


    Despite the huge number of advan­tages and bene­fits of treat­ments in the Finnish sauna, unfor­tu­nately, not everyone can afford to visit it. Contraindi­ca­tions include hyper­ten­sion, heart disease, circu­la­tory failure, heart failure, coro­nary artery disease, tumors, ulcers, acute asthma, epilepsy, glau­coma, claus­tro­phobia, and vene­real diseases. It is also not recom­mended that the elderly and small chil­dren use the Finnish sauna, as well as preg­nant and menstru­ating women. All kinds of infec­tions, ongoing diseases, acute inflam­ma­tion, and high fever are also contraindications.

    The healing effect of the salt sauna.

    What is a salt sauna?

    Salt sauna is a rela­tively new and increas­ingly popular idea to use the healing prop­er­ties of salt. It is a type of dry sauna, in which bricks or salt panels were used as an element of decor or construc­tion. This is to increase the health value of using the sauna and is also an inter­esting deco­ra­tive element. Thanks to the use of salt elements, we obtain an atmos­pheric inte­rior, conducive to relax­ation and a nega­tively ionized micro­cli­mate, rich in microelements.

    How does the salt sauna work on the body?

    A stay in a salt sauna brings similar bene­fits as a dry sauna. Its healing effect consists, among others, in improving blood circu­la­tion, which supports the blood supply to organs, regen­er­ating the body by warming up and cooling it, increasing immu­nity, and stim­u­lating defense mech­a­nisms. Using the salt sauna also has a posi­tive effect on the skin, espe­cially sebor­rheic skin prone to blem­ishes. Under the influ­ence of heat, the pores expand, and excess sebum is natu­rally removed. The salt sauna has the advan­tage over the ordi­nary sauna that thanks to the pres­ence of salt, we obtain a specific micro­cli­mate inside. Staying in it gives us similar bene­fits as salt inhala­tions. Salt blocks and bricks placed in the sauna under the influ­ence of heat ionize the air with nega­tive ions and release a number of minerals. As a result, the salt sauna has a bene­fi­cial effect on our respi­ra­tory system, cleanses it, dilutes residual secre­tions, thus improving its efficiency.

    How to use the salt sauna?

    In order for the healing effect of the salt sauna to be as effec­tive as possible, it should be used in the correct way. Prefer­ably 2–3 times a week, and in the case of people under­taking regular, hard effort or intensely training athletes, you can defi­nitely do more often. We stay in the salt sauna for 8 to 15 minutes, then we leave, take a cool shower, dry the body with a towel, and return to the sauna again. We repeat this oper­a­tion 3 times. It is worth remem­bering about proper hydra­tion, both before and during use, we should drink plenty of water.

    Who can use the salt sauna?

    With the excep­tion of certain contraindi­ca­tions, which are discussed later in the text, the salt sauna can be used by anyone who wants to improve their health and immu­nity. In partic­ular, people strug­gling with chronic respi­ra­tory ailments, asthma, aller­gies, recur­rent catarrh of the respi­ra­tory tract, and sinus prob­lems. Also, athletes, are people who train inten­sively in order to accel­erate the regen­er­a­tion of the body and improve respi­ra­tory effi­ciency. Let’s not forget that a stay in a salt sauna is also relaxing and relaxing, so it will certainly be useful for people with neuroses, exposed to stress, will improve the quality of sleep, and help soothe the nerves.


    Despite the fact that the salt sauna has a wide and effec­tive healing effect, unfor­tu­nately, not everyone can use its bene­fits. There are some contraindi­ca­tions, which include:

    - infec­tions, colds, acute inflam­ma­tion with high fever,

    - hyper­ten­sion, circu­la­tory failure, heart disease, coro­nary artery disease,



    - lung diseases, infec­tious diseases,

    - hyper­thy­roidism,




    -open wounds, burns, frostbite.

    In case of any doubts, it is worth consulting a visit with a doctor, then we will be sure whether the healing effect of the salt sauna will be bene­fi­cial and effec­tive in our case.

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